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Effective Communication And Interpersonal Skills

Effective Communication And Interpersonal Skills

Duration (Days)



This course is designed to gain practical experience initiating and responding to various forms of communication. Most importantly is how to handle situation based on a flexible, genuine and self-confident approach.

  • Build collaborative relationships that emphasize trust and respect.

  • Communicate effectively using simple and concise language.

  • Enhance listening skills to anticipate and avoid misunderstandings.

  • Foster cross-cultural understanding in workplace.

Course Outline
  • Building a foundation

  • Communication process model

  • Determine outcomes and results

  • Initiating communications

  • Avoiding communication breakdowns

  • Creating value in conversations

  • Taking personal responsibility

  • Translating across communication styles

  • Identifying the four communication styles

  • Bridging communication styles

  • Active listening

  • Interpreting nonverbal cues

  • Achieving genuine communication

  • Creating openness

  • Body language

  • Cross cultural communications

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