Manufacturing Operations
Acceptance Sampling
Duration (Days)
This course is designed for participant understand the usage of sampling plans through standard acceptance sampling procedure of ANSI/ASQ Z1.4 and ANSI/ASQ Z1.9. Participants will learn the basic statistical and probability distribution concepts apply in sampling plan. The course will cover Operating Characteristic Curve OC, Average Outgoing Quality AOQ, Average Sample Number ASN and Average Total Inspection ATI.
Learn the fundamental of statistical and probability distributions use in acceptance sampling
Learn the attributes, variables and proceduresImplement single, double, multiple and sequential sampling plans
Follow the sampling standards of ANSI.ASQ Z1.4 and Z1.9
Learn the dodge-romig system of sampling plans for critical items
Course Outline
Total quality control
Process capability
Statistical process control
Design of experiment
Acceptance sampling
Basic statistics and probability applied in acceptance sampling
Acceptance sampling
Lot by lot acceptance sampling by attributes
Acceptance sampling concepts
Non accepted lots
Formation of lots
Operating characteristic OC curve
Average outgoing quality AOQ
Average sample number ASN
Average total inspection ATI
Acceptance sampling plan designs
Lot by lot
Acceptance sampling plan